vRA 7.x Infrastructure Tab reporting Server Error 401 – Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

the reason I am creating this blog post is purely because the message was mis-leading but the actual reason was different fot this error in Infrastructure Tab. One of the customer retported that they cannot see IaaS-Service regsitred in vRA VAMI -> Services, it’s being reported as blank. at the same time in vRA portal,… Continue reading vRA 7.x Infrastructure Tab reporting Server Error 401 – Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

Add PowerShell Host fails in vRO 7.x

While making an attempt to add PowerShell host in vRO 7.x fails with an error Initial Error: ‘Add a PowerShell host/item8’, state: ‘failed’, business state: ‘null’, exception: ‘Clients credentials have been revoked (18) (Dynamic Script Module name : addPowerShellHost#12)’ workflow: ‘Add a PowerShell host’ (EF8180808080808080808080808080803D80808001270557368849c62c352aa82) |  ‘attribute’: name=errorCode type=string value=Clients credentials have been revoked (18)… Continue reading Add PowerShell Host fails in vRO 7.x

Network and Security Inventory data collection fails in vRA 7.1

One of the customer reporting that their vRA 7.1 has started reporting deployment failures, and they were suspecting that this is happening due to Network and Security inventory data collection failures can be seen in vRA Infrastrastructure -> Compute Resource tab under all the Compute Resources. Customer also revealed that they recently changed vRA ->… Continue reading Network and Security Inventory data collection fails in vRA 7.1

VMware vForum Online 2016

Attend vForum Online 19th April, 2016 where featured speakers are VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger and VMware CTO Chris Wolf, talking SDDC, End User Computing and the Hybrid cloud. There will be 8 Hands-On-Labs to test-drive a variety of VMware Solutions. Certain unique product demos by VMware system engineers and unlimited access to eBooks, tech-tips and… Continue reading VMware vForum Online 2016

Categorized as vSphere 6

Delete Firewall rules in VCSA 6.0

Let’s say we have vCSA 6.0 appliance in place, where some firewall rules are created. Managing this is easy using vSphere Web Client -> Administration -> System Configuration -> Nodes -> <your vCSA node> -> Manage -> Settings -> Firewall (List of rules would appear like following screenshot) Click on ‘Edit’ button Where there are… Continue reading Delete Firewall rules in VCSA 6.0

Categorized as vSphere 6

Currency Settings in vRA 6.2

How to change currency settings in vRA 6.2? Login with ‘IaaS Admin’ role account. go to Infrastructure -> Administration -> Global Properties Find Group: Installation – Edit Core set Value: en-US or hi-IN or gu-IN (See full list here) (see following screenshot)